
Showing posts from 2016


I know I have written about this before, but weather really does make a difference in our business.  If you live in the Nebraska area, then no doubt you know we got hit by a pretty big snow storm last week.  Our area received about 5 inches of snow.  Unfortunately, because of the snow and rain we had received BEFORE the snow storm last week (and because that stuff was starting to melt) the whole area we service was pretty saturated.  This kind of precipitation mixed with low temps and then more snow leads to more people having back up issues in their house.  Unfortunately, there's no place for the water to drain to when the ground is already wet, but the problem that also arises in order to help people we have to gain access to their tank -- these kind of wintry conditions makes this a not-so-easy task. Needless to say our week was kind of crazy because of those circumstances, but what do you do?  You just do the best you can and face each day as it comes...


What perspective has your profession given you? We all obtain knowledge from our work environment.  Sometimes that knowledge scares us a little…or a lot!  It definitely gives us a perspective that is unique to our work place.  I once had a friend who waited tables at a local restaurant when we were in college.  It was one of my favorite restaurants but she claimed she would NEVER eat there based on what she saw in the kitchen.  Because of what she said, I found myself a new favorite restaurant.  She and I both obtained a new perspective of that place! I have a former student who now works in a dermatologist’s office.  I see her post warnings on Facebook to NOT use tanning beds or to make sure they ALWAYS wear sunscreen.  Every day she sees what harmful UV rays can do to a person’s skin.  Because of this, she will never use a tanning bed or go without sunscreen when she is outside. She used to tan, but her newfound perspective from wo...


What kind of business are you in?  Do people make fun of you?  These days, there are jokes poking fun at just about everyone.  As you might guess, our business has a bit of a “joke bull’s eye” on it.  All sorts of things have been said about how we well know our…ahem…business. But you know what?  Sometimes you just have to laugh.  Yes, we want to be professional and we definitely want people to take us seriously, but we have a sense of humor too.  So, as this post hits most of you on a Monday…maybe these little pictures will make you smile! So if you're having a rough Monday...maybe these pictures will make you smile.  Or if nothing else, possibly appreciate your job a bit more than you did on Friday! Ha! Until next time friends!


Are you a business owner?  Do you have employees?  Then no doubt you understand how wonderful it is to have fabulous people who work with you.  We currently have the best team of guys and I pray they never leave us.  But it wasn’t always like this.  There was a time when it wasn’t like this…AT ALL. In fact, the reason I quit teaching was because there was a time when we had employees dropping like flies!  Towards the end of the school year 2014, we had an amazing guy driving for us.  We LOVED him.  He was wonderful, smart, had a great personality and was such a hard worker.  But he was blessed with a great opportunity to start up his own business with his dad…in Alabama.  I never knew I could feel so happy for someone and so sick to my stomach at the same time.  Just a couple of months later our other employee (who had been the previous owner of the company but wasn’t ready to quit working and retire…) got in a horrible car ...


With Christmas and New Years vacations, it’s been two weeks since our family has had a full week’s work.  How was it for you?  Ours could have been better.  They say  picture is worth a thousand words, so let me explain last week in just one picture… Yep…that was pretty much how every day felt. Some days I felt like it would have been better to stay in bed.  Of course, I usually feel this way after I’ve made my attempt, hindsight being 20/20 and all.  But here’s the thing, if we can just push through to the next 24 hour period, it usually all works out.  The thing about bad days, is that they usually only last a DAY.  (Even a bad week, in the grand scheme of things is just one week…) And I have found that this is true as well… That’s right!  I have a pretty good survival rate when it comes to bad days.  Not too shabby if I don’t say so myself.  I have found the best way to “survive” or “endure” a bad da...


I saw this meme over the weekend Isn’t that the truth?  Isn’t life really that simple?  I love technology and all the ways science has made our lives better.  But I feel like now that we have tools to make our lives easier, we’ve figured out ways to over-complicate what’s truly easy.  This meme made me think I could probably write some equally brilliant words… YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDN’T BUY IT WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE THE MONEY YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDN’T DO IT, IF IT IS STUPID YOU KNOW YOUR CAR NEEDS GAS WHEN THE LIGHT COMES ON YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD LOSE WEIGHT WHEN YOUR CLOTHES DON’T FIT YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT WHEN YOU ARE ABOUT TO SAY SOMETHING STUPID YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD DRINK WATER WHEN YOU ARE THIRSTY YOU KNOW YOUR KID SHOULD BE WEARING PANTS WHEN HE ISN’T The list goes on and on…. Life really is simple.  Our decisions…check that, our POOR decisions is what complicates it. KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID is truly a brilliant p...