With Christmas and New Years vacations, it’s been two weeks since our family has had a full week’s work.  How was it for you?  Ours could have been better.  They say  picture is worth a thousand words, so let me explain last week in just one picture…

Yep…that was pretty much how every day felt.

Some days I felt like it would have been better to stay in bed.  Of course, I usually feel this way after I’ve made my attempt, hindsight being 20/20 and all.  But here’s the thing, if we can just push through to the next 24 hour period, it usually all works out.  The thing about bad days, is that they usually only last a DAY.  (Even a bad week, in the grand scheme of things is just one week…) And I have found that this is true as well…

That’s right!  I have a pretty good survival rate when it comes to bad days.  Not too shabby if I don’t say so myself.

 I have found the best way to “survive” or “endure” a bad day is to laugh about it.  I’m not going to lie – I’ve had some pretty remarkable bad days – like not even Hollywood could write a storyline like mine – you just could not make it up!  The badness almost becomes hysterical!  But I have survived!  One particularly bad day came a couple of years ago.  I was sure my car had been cursed.  My “cursed car day” started out with it deciding to lock me out for no apparent reason.  Obviously, we all love reasons that make us late for work, so this little episode made for a delightful start to the workday.  After finding my spare set of keys, I was off to school determined not to let this setback ruffle my feathers.  However, after work I came out to the parking lot to see that not one, but two of my tires were flat and needing repair.  Really?  How does one get TWO flat tires?  My husband came to assist me and by the end of the day we had two patched tires and thought this the end to our car woes.  Little did we know that this was not the end.  The next morning as I was driving to school, with the kids in the back seat, a turkey flew up out of the ditch and straight into my driver’s side window.  I’ve never been face to face with a turkey and I hope to never be again.  It hit the car so hard, we pulled over to check for damages.  I was shocked to find that there was none.  As we were examining things, my oldest son piped up and said, “Mom, I didn’t even know turkeys could fly that high!”  Me either junior, me either.  I was sure there was a gravitational force of “all things bad” being pulled into my car’s theoretical orbit.  At this point standing on the road side, dazed turkey waddling away, I started laughing.  Seriously!  What had just happened?  A turkey flew INTO my car!  What do you do but laugh? 

This week was no different.  The frustrations and issues that came about were nothing major just irritating.  Sometimes hilariously irritating.  So what do you do, but laugh?

When I was teaching I had this poster up in my room.  It was a quote by Charles Swindol

Isn’t this the truth?  Our attitude has so much to do with how our day is going.  Even a good day can be made bad if we have a cranky attitude.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s easy to get frustrated when so many things go wrong.  You don’t feel like putting a smile on your face – frustrations are powerful “good-day-zappers”!!  I hope if you’re experiencing a bad day (or even a bad “back-to-work-after-vacation” week) that it won’t last long, that you have friends that can lift your spirits or at least a nice place to rest at night before taking on the world again the next day.  (And maybe access to nice glass of wine…merely a suggestion…)

Over the years to encourage others, I’ve written poems to help them through.  Here's one below you might find comical.  Maybe these will make you laugh or lift your spirits on a crummy day. 

Alarm clock didn’t sound today
Ran in late to work
Got a speeding ticket on the way
Policeman was a jerk
Missed a meeting – spilled my coffee
Look as frazzled as I feel
Ttripped while running down the stairs
Now my shoe’s without a heel
Ever have a day like this?
I’m trying hard to cope
Still I think I’d miss the water
If I feel out of a boat

Here's to surviving bad days!! We can do it!!


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