I know I have written about this before, but weather really does make a difference in our business.  If you live in the Nebraska area, then no doubt you know we got hit by a pretty big snow storm last week.  Our area received about 5 inches of snow.  Unfortunately, because of the snow and rain we had received BEFORE the snow storm last week (and because that stuff was starting to melt) the whole area we service was pretty saturated.  This kind of precipitation mixed with low temps and then more snow leads to more people having back up issues in their house.  Unfortunately, there's no place for the water to drain to when the ground is already wet, but the problem that also arises in order to help people we have to gain access to their tank -- these kind of wintry conditions makes this a not-so-easy task.

Needless to say our week was kind of crazy because of those circumstances, but what do you do?  You just do the best you can and face each day as it comes!

But, it wasn't just the business side that got a little wacky last week!  The home front was hit by some interesting  issues as well!!  Our kids had TWO snow days last week!!  Yes, TWO!! As I have said before, running a business from your home when children are around always makes things a bit more complicated.  Our boys do pretty good all things considered, but there are still stressful moments for both momma and children!  We also had a spell where we were without electricity one night.  Fortunately for us, our outage didn't last too long.  We made due with candles and played a few hands of "go fish" by candle light!!  Who says you can't have fun when the lights go out?!

The whole family got a giggle out of some of the closings that were posted to our news station during the two nights of bad weather.  Our boys were glued to the TV watching the lists of schools posting cancellations as they prayed their school would post its cancellation too! As we watched, there were churches, schools, and local activities all notifying the community not to leave their home as their event was being postponed due to the storm.  One cancellation in particular posted was a "pesticide education" class.  I thought, "only in Nebraska" would there be a pesticide class!!  It made me giggle every time it showed up on the cycling list so I posted how I found it funny on Facebook -- to which a friend of mine sweetly reminded me how just last week I conducted a survey as to whether families preferred their toilet paper to be "over" or "under"!!  Oh the joys of Mid-West life!!

As the wind howls outside right now, I am hoping and praying for a relatively normal week.  No snow days, no snow storms and no electricity outages.  Hoping this post greets you in a warm and coffee-filled place of comfort!!


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