Today is the last day of school for our two boys – and are they ever ready!! Actually, it’s not even a whole day…they only go until noon, but of course, according to them, it will still be the most torturous day they have ever experienced. This morning they were already complaining about how awful it was for them to go back for what is sure to be the WORST four hours of their life. And their teachers have planned such awful activities like “bring your favorite game from home” or “dress up like a goofy character” or “be ready for extra recesses” – I mean, it’s no wonder they are dreading today, don’t you agree? I am so worried my children won’t survive… I am so thankful for all the wonderful things I see my kids teachers do for them. I know this time every year can be draining for teachers. They put their heart and soul into all that they do every day – and there are days…and sometimes weeks…that can be so exhausting!! A teacher-friend...