Did you know that septic systems make for an AWESOME science project topic?  You didn’t?! Obviously you didn’t have a science teacher who knew how to incorporate the word “poop” into ordinary classroom conversations….ha!

As I have mentioned before, I used to teach middle school science.  (BEST. JOB. EVER.)  And though my body may not be in a classroom anymore, my heart and mind still are.  FORTUNATELY, I still get to play teacher with my own children when they bring their homework home at night, but what thrills me the most are SCIENCE PROJECTS assignments!!  Yay!!

Seriously, this is my addiction in life.  (Well, that and coffee…but I digress…)

My oldest son in 5th grade recently had a science project assigned to him.  He brought home paperwork describing what he could do to fulfill the requirements of the project.  In that, he was told he could research something or perform an experiment.  As we were reading through some of the ideas or examples his teachers listed, one of them was “report the workings of a septic system”!!  I about died.  The following was our conversation:

Me: (still reading the requirements) Kaden!  They are saying you could do a research paper or experiment on septic systems!!  Isn’t that cool?  We could totally do that.

Kaden:  You want me to report on what Dad does all day? (Totally NOT enthused…) I thought we could blow something up like you used to do when you were teaching!

Me:  Well, we could, but I think we should do your project over septic systems!  We have tons of information on the subject, plus, you already know so much about it too!  Besides, wouldn’t you love to get up in front of your friends and tell them what happens to their poop if they live in the country?!!

Kaden:  (Rethinking the subject matter…) Oh yeah, that would be so cool!!  Okay Mom, let’s do it on poop.  We can blow something up next year.

(And that my friends, is how you get kids excited about science….you talk about poop!  SIDE NOTE:  This also works especially well in the junior high age range.  Say the word “poop” and everybody stops and listens.)

So, over Thanksgiving break we worked on his presentation board, his note cards, and of course, his experiment.  Aren’t you dying to know what we tested?  Well, if you’ve paid any attention to my Facebook posts you’ve more than likely encountered a video on toilet paper reporting how different types break down in water.  Yes, we tested toilet paper.  

Here are some pictures of his creation…

Isn’t he adorable? 

There is a classroom full of 5th graders who are about to get schooled on toilet paper...can you tell?!

I have to say that this was a cool Thanksgiving break for me – my two worlds were able to collide!  And, I got to help my kid bring up the subject of poop at school.  It just doesn’t get much better than that, does it folks?


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