This time of year has many of us thinking about all the many reasons to give thanks.  Because Thanksgiving is this week, I’m going to list the many things I am thankful for – you may have already done something like this, but if not, I would encourage you to do the same.  I know what I typically find is the more I think of things to be thankful for, the more things come to mind – it has an exponential effect, if you will.  So, here’s my list

1.  I’m thankful for my Lord and savior and the forgiveness he gives me every day – because He knows (and you may know too…) I need it!

2. I am thankful for my family.  I am lucky to be the wife of a hard-working and wonderfully-providing husband along with two very energetic and healthy boys.   I am also blessed by my extended family of parents and in-laws who always seem to be there when we need them to love and support us in good and bad times.

3.  I am thankful for my country – though I don’t agree with everything that happens with our laws or government, I don’t have to worry about my safety because of my religion or my political views.  I may not agree with friends and family because of my views, but I still get to have them without fear of what others might do.  Though we have had unfortunate events occur in our country, they are rare and not the norm.  We have lawmen and soldiers willing to sacrifice for us to keep order and keep our freedoms.

4.  I am thankful for my home.  My home is warm, full of food, clothing, and many items that are comforts, not just needs. 

5. I am thankful for my friends.  They bring me so much joy and laughter!  I am thankful for their phone calls, texts, Facebook posts, sweet gifts of thoughtfulness, coffee dates, or time spent face-to-face (which isn’t always easy these days to have!)  Still, I know at the end of the day whether I get to see them daily or not, they love me and I them. 

6.  I am thankful for my boys’ school and the teachers who take care of them every day.  I know my boys are loved every day when they go to school and that even when they move on to the next year their former teachers still check up on them and love on them.  I am thankful that they learn God’s word every day and are growing up learning that none of us are perfect but all in need of help, love and forgiveness.

7.  I am thankful for my pets.  Though there are days when they frustrate me with eaten items that were never meant to be eaten, or messes that are only due to their existence, I love them.  They comfort me in their own little way and I would miss their company and personalities.

8.   I’m thankful for baseball – yes, you read correctly.  Call me crazy, but dang, I love that sport.  I love watching it and being amazed by how there is always something to learn from it.  I love watching my boys play this sport and how much they enjoy it as well.  I love our silly little patch of grass we have made into a make-shift field for our kids to play on and grow up making memories on it.  I love watching baseball with the family either on TV or at the stadium.  I love how it has become our family “thing” – we sit down and watch this sport and somehow it bonds us!  We love this sport in good times and bad and just like in life, we experience the ups and downs together as a family.

9.  Even though they are gone, I am thankful for my grandparents and the influence they had on my life.  I spent so much time with them as a child and I treasure all those moments with them.  Even as an adult, they continued to teach me.  They showed me the importance of hard work, love for family, and how important it is to spend time together as a family. 

10.  I am thankful for our business and what it provides for us every day.  Though it is not the occupation I ever dreamed for myself, it has taught me much and I believe brought me and my husband closer as we work through the ups and downs of business ownership!

That’s my list – how about yours?

May you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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