I am not a big fan of change.  I get used to what I’m used to and change irritates me!  Even when I know the change could possibly be good, I still don’t want it, because it will be different.  And, different takes so long to get used to again.  Different changes my routine or habits in life.  Remember when the sitcom FRIENDS ended?  None of us knew what do to with ourselves Thursday night at 7 pm.  For two or three years after the show ended, we’d sit on our couches Thursday at 7 and watch disappointing show after disappointing show.  Nothing could replace FRIENDS.  Our lives were changed forever.  Yes we survived, but the struggle was real as we suffered through in the process….

Okay, I MIGHT be over dramatizing this, but I still say change is hard.  However, what life is teaching me is that change is a part of life whether I like it or not.  Right now, I feel like change is ruling my life and though some are extremely superficial, when you add them all together, it’ just too much for this old fuddy-duddy to take...

As you may have picked up, our family is a HUGE fan of the game of baseball.  We love our Kansas City Royals and after watching them struggle for YEARS, we are FINALLY enjoying the spoils of victory.  But here’s the catch -- now our team of beloved players have options to be bought by other teams.  To us, losing any of them would be heartbreaking, but of all the players, our Nebraskan hearts love Alex Gordon…and yet all the trade rumors suggest he is destined for another team.  (Nightmare doesn’t begin to explain my feelings…)  I keep telling myself if only Dayton Moore (the Royals General Manager) and I could talk.  Obviously, he needs my input on deciding next year’s roster so huge mistakes aren’t made.  Nothing must change.  Everything needs to stay the same. (If for no other reason than fashion, the possible trade of Alex must not happen!!  Don’t we all remember how awful Billy Butler looked in his green Oakland uniform?  We can’t let that happen again…)

Here again, I might be wearing my drama queen crown, but I just don’t like it!!  I’m not ready to think about the possible changes in “my” team.  But, I doubt I ever will be.  In reality, there’s nothing I can really do about it, so I guess I’ll just fuss and fume at home.  Oh change!  Why must you vex me?

Sometimes change isn’t awful, but it reminds you of what is yet to come!!  Our nephew is getting married in a month and earlier this year our niece was married as well.  Now, we love ourselves a good wedding reception, but all this marrying off of nieces and nephews gets a momma to thinking about how fast time flies!! I remember when these two were playing little kid games in the yard, getting ready for middle school, attending prom, and now they’re getting married? Next thing you know, there will be baby showers!!  Bottom line, what really scares me is how little time I have left with my own kids.  Just 10 years ago, my niece and nephew weren’t much older than my own boys are now.  I am so happy for both couples, but attending weddings or thinking about weddings especially for these kiddos reminds me of the changes around the corner for me!  I think the only way to solve this problem is to stop time.  This is how our family will be forever.  This is the only logical solution.

I’m not going to say much here, but any of you who have undergone a career change know it isn’t easy.  Even when you change from one job to another (and it’s basically the same job just a different employer) there is a learning curve.  I don’t like the learning curve. I like being past the learning curve and on to the learning straight…or whatever you call that point when you’re past learning all the new stuff.  I like fine tuning, not figuring out.  Change that makes me better I’m cool with.  Change that stumbles me up while I’m learning…not so much. 

Then there are silly little changes that aren’t major, but take some getting used to.
-          New updates on my phone
-          New shoes
-          New school years for kids
-          New toothbrush
-          New fashion styles (especially when they don’t flatter my body type)
-          New hair styles (at least hair grows back to make up for those mistakes)
-          New car
-          New state regulations for our business
-          New website updates
-          New recipe
Change, change, change!!  Grrr!!!

And yet…
Despite the changes I have experienced in my 39 years of life, I have been able to survive all the twists and turns changes has brought me – including the serious ones unlike those I addressed above.  And…dare I say it?  I have learned how to acclimate to whatever life brings.  I don’t really think of myself as being a “stick-in-the-mud,”  but when it comes to change there are just some things I want left alone!!  I can cry, complain, or throw a tantrum, but change is a part of life and I’ve just got to learn how to roll with the punches.   Kids are going to grow up, new shoes are going to hurt, new jobs are going to frustrate, and Alex Gordon might not be a Royal for life.  All in all, we’ll survive (though our drama queen crown and dress might get plenty of use along the way…)

Ecclesiastes 3:1-4
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:  a time to be born and to time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance…”

There really is a time for everything, and thank goodness we have time to get used to it too!


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