This time of year has many of us thinking about all the many reasons to give thanks. Because Thanksgiving is this week, I’m going to list the many things I am thankful for – you may have already done something like this, but if not, I would encourage you to do the same. I know what I typically find is the more I think of things to be thankful for, the more things come to mind – it has an exponential effect, if you will. So, here’s my list 1. I’m thankful for my Lord and savior and the forgiveness he gives me every day – because He knows (and you may know too…) I need it! 2. I am thankful for my family. I am lucky to be the wife of a hard-working and wonderfully-providing husband along with two very energetic and healthy boys. I am also blessed by my extended family of parents and in-laws who always seem to be there when we need them to love and support us in good and bad times. 3. I am thankful for my country – though I...