Have you ever noticed just how importance timing is?  Like, taking a picture as someone jumps into water, but it looks as if they’re standing on it instead of jumping in?  Or realizing you could have just been in a horrible car accident but slammed on the brakes just in time?  You know what I mean.  Timing is HUGE!  But so is waiting…

There is “excited waiting” like waiting for a big purchase to arrive via FedEx, or waiting for a fun vacation day.  There’s “dreaded waiting” like waiting to be called back for a root canal, or for your dad to come home so you can tell him you wrecked the family car.  There’s “painful waiting” like waiting for every last second of the school day to finally be over so you can start your summer break!  You get my drift, right?

I believe timing and waiting is what makes life interesting.  I mean, think about it – it’s the scary, awful, and horribly terrible stuff that helps us appreciate all the good in life, right?  And usually this kinda stuff also makes for great stories to tell – well, of course, after you’ve waited and the timing is right! Ha!  But like anything, the timing and waiting for good stuff can be pretty awesome too!

The last few days have brought just that into our lives here in the Kubik house - lots of bad timing and waiting.  Nothing so bad that stories will be written about us.  You won’t see us on the local news at six or on a 48 Hours news reel, but stressful and frustrating nonetheless.  If we are honest with ourselves though, when enough irritating things happen all at once, don’t you just have to laugh?!

This Monday started out with a bang!  Actually, it started Friday.  You see Friday was the day our air conditioning decided to die.  We didn’t have a funeral, but there was still weeping and sadness.  Here again, timing was an issue.   It’s been an unseasonably cool spring and not even an overly hot summer, but when the weather did decide to break out in its most hellacious temperatures, THAT’S when our AC bit the big one.   Timing is what made our broken AC really suck.  Not that replacing the AC is ever fun to do, but there’s something much more stressful about replacing the AC when it’s 98 degrees with a 110 degree heat index, do you feel me friends?  And no matter how fast the repair man comes to fix it – there’s still the hot and sweaty mess of waiting.  (And oh how much crankier we all get when we are hot!  Wow!)

That was Friday…the weekend wasn’t horribly disappointing, but Sunday night our youngest woke up sick with the stomach flu.  Poor fella was miserable.  No mom likes it when her kid is sick, but l always feel so bad I can’t make them better faster.  They look at you with those weepy, trusting eyes and all you can do is hold their vomit bucket.  Some supermom power that is – vomit-bucket holder.   I’m sure I’m no different than any other mom with a sick kid – I do what I can to make them feel comfortable with cool wash cloths, relaxing tickles, and as much Tylenol as they can take, but it’s another timing and waiting game yet again!!  Which is worse, hot and sweaty waiting or achy vomiting waiting?  Aren’t these blog posts a hoot to read and remember?  If she’s not talking about poop, it’s vomit! 

What made today REALLY interesting and fun is that it is not only “let’s be sick day”, it is also “install windows day.”  Remember that crazy hail storm we got hit with in May?  Well, we’re still making repairs from it.  Of course, two of the windows being replaced were in my sick boy’s room.  Fortunately, he was a trooper as we moved him from room to room, but I felt bad for him.  Again…timing and waiting…

And finally, the icing on the cake – well, for me personally – was when my older son decided to use my butt for target practice with one of his delightful Nerf guns…while I was holding the vomit bucket for his brother, no less. Yes, we are a thoughtful and precious bunch here.   Needless to say, I took issue with the hind end shot – especially considering the job I was doing at the time of shooting, but my son’s retort – dare I say, his rationalization was, “But Mom, your butt is so big, it’s easy for me to always hit.  Plus, no one gets hurt!”  Again, I say we have a timing issue on our hands!!  The waiting for him is happening right now, he just doesn’t know it yet.  You see I’m praying for an equally ornery child to rue his life, but….you know, in a loving-motherly-way.  So in a sense, I’m waiting too! (insert evil laugh here…)

Yes, the waiting and timing in life.  It does keep us on our toes!    Who knows what we’re in for this week people, but no doubt the timing of it all will make or break us!  Ha! 


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