I hate to write too much about the weather….I worry if I write about the fabulous sunshine and warmer temperatures we’ve had over the weekend I will curse it and it will go away!!  I think we can collectively say as a nation, we’re all ready to see winter go bye bye.  Though here in Nebraska we haven’t experienced near the cold temperatures or snowfall that  our friends in Boston have this year, we have had our fill.  My youngest son has asked me several times in the past week, “Mom, did the ground hog see his shadow? Is that why it’s still so cold?”  (I believe even Jimmy the Ground hog is sick of winter….read his story here.  When ground hogs start to revolt….look out…Easter is coming…the bunny rabbits are next.)

Spring and summer months bring us sunshine, outdoor fun, and tan lines, but it also brings the septic man an increased workload.  We already have calls coming in for installation, repairs and residential pumping work that customers want and need to have done when the ground is thawed.  Don’t get me wrong, we are happy to take these orders!  But weather, especially spring weather, can make scheduling our work tricky.  Just when you think you can do some dirt work, unpredicted rain falls overnight or crazy frost (even snow) comes along and it puts your plans on hold.  Sometimes I would love to control the weather….(seriously, wouldn’t that be grand?)  To be able to order some rain when it is dry, or schedule sunny weather for a family vacation… now that would be sweet.  Am I the only one who has had this thought?  It’s probably good I don’t possess this ability though.  Sometimes just having the TV remote in my hands makes me drunk with power.  I MIGHT not use my ability wisely….

Weather is just such an unusual force.  Warm and sunny weather allows for such great times working or playing outside, but cold and rainy weather can make you miserable doing the exact same activities.  Don’t even get me started on severe weather…that’ s a whole other blog post in and of itself!  Weather not only affects what we can physically do outside, but it can affect our attitudes and emotions.  I know when I was teaching, the weather could change the demeanor of the classroom.  Teachers could always tell if a front was moving in even before Mr. Weatherman could! Weather obviously affects us all in different ways….but what do you do?  You just gotta roll with it!  (But if Jimmy the Ground Hog is any indication of how nature is now responding to the winter weather this year?  Stay on the look out!)


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