You might think that being in the septic business, EVERY day is a poopy day, I mean, how can it NOT be, right? Obviously, we take some teasing from friends and family about our industry, but to be honest there are some real perks to doing what we do. First of all, I kinda like being in this business together with my husband. We are always working towards the same goal and working together to achieve it. When I was teaching (and don’t get me wrong – I LOVED teaching…) there were times I felt like my work sometimes took away from our family. Working together in a family business now, doesn’t. I like being able to take my kids to work with me when we do perc tests and inspections. Not to mention, my office, is our home. During the summer, I am always with them – no need for sitters or day care. And, every time they have a break, I get to spend it with them. Now, we still have to conduct business, but the kids understand tha...