LEAKING LATERALS -- why does this happen?

It’s that time of year when everyone is calling to either get their tank pumped or discuss issues with their septic systems. An item that is a biggie with many systems is water usage. Why? Septic systems are designed to handle only so much water. So, if you go over that amount, your systems will let you know….kinda like Christmas dinner makes the pants tighter? Too much water will show up in standing water on laterals or sometimes back-ups in the house. I can’t help you with your snug-fitting jeans (shouldn’t we just be able to eat what we want without consequences?), but I can assist with trying to figure out water usage issues! First and foremost, your system is sized based on the number of bedrooms in your house. It is assumed that there is at least one person per bedroom using approximately 100 gallons of water a day when sizing a system. Obviously, there is no way to know exactl...