
Showing posts from June, 2021

LATERAL FIELD -- Care and Maintenance

Today I will elaborate on the septic system drainfield and the best way to care for it. As stated last week, after we conduct a percolation test, and it passes, then we can install a conventional septic system.     In the diagram above, you can see all the components of a septic system.  There is a tank and a leachfield/drainfield.  When I talk to customers, many of them are confused as to what makes up a septic system.  I would say many think that all they have is a tank and that is it.  However, the bigger portion of the septic system (and also the most expensive part) is the leachfield/drainfield/lateral field.  This part of the septic system is where the final treatment takes place.  It is also very important to know where your lateral field is located.  If this portion of your system becomes damaged or inhibited in any way, it will ruin the functionality of your septic system.   Below are two examp...

PERC TEST DATE NIGHT! Wife life of a septic installer...

When you are married to a guy in the septic industry this time of year means PERC TEST DATE NIGHT!  I mean WHO DOESN'T LOVE watching water absorb into the soil on a gorgeous summer evening?!  I often joke with my customers about how my husband and I have our "romantic septic talks" every night....but to some degree it is no lie.  Every night...candlelight or not....we talk septic! But given it is "installation season" this also means perc tests...thus, perc test date night! So, what are perc tests and why do I feel the need to write about them?  Let me elaborate.... If you’re building a residence in the country, something you might not know is you have install your own wastewater system for your home – or a place for all your wastewater to go.  In town, there is plumbing and city sewers to take care of all that, but if you build in the country you have to provide your own sewer system!  The most popular types of wastewater systems are septic syste...