So, if you read my previous ever-so-eloquently-written-wastewater-post from last week…You’ll notice the first thing I mentioned when avoiding septic system “messes” was WATER USAGE. Today, I’m going to elaborate on that. I had written how septic systems are sized according to the number of bedrooms. It is assumed that there is at least one person per bedroom using approximately 100 gallons of water a day when sizing a system. Obviously, there is no way to know exactly how much water will be used in the home, but to date this is the most logical way to assume approximate water usage. One thing septic systems are good at, is showing you when you’ve used too much water. (Think about trying to fit 20 gallons of water in a 5 gallon bucket…) Typically, you’ll see standing water over your drainfield first, but sometimes too much water can lead to a back-up in the house as well. Below, I have listed the ...