
Showing posts from March, 2020

PERC TESTS -- the THRILL of water absorption!

If you’re building in the country, something you might not know is you have install a wastewater system – or a place for all your wastewater to go.  In town, there is plumbing and city sewers to take care of all that, but if you build in the country you have to provide your own sewer system!  The most popular types of wastewater systems are septic systems. Septic systems work in conjunction with Mother Nature.  The largest part of a septic system is the drain field (also known as a lateral field or leach field).  The drain field is the portion of your septic system that uses the soil to absorb ALL of the water that comes out of your house.  Every time you flush, do a load of laundry, take a shower, run the dishwasher, wash your hands, etc., the water drains out of the house and eventually ends up in the soil right outside your house. But there’s actually a little more involved with where your septic system is placed and what...


So, toilet paper is getting a lot of talk these days – basically, how hard it is to find and purchase!  Being a girl who tends to talk to people every day about their toilet paper choices, I thought I’d weigh in!  Our family was among those who actually DID need to purchase some TP and couldn’t find any.  I live with three males…toilet paper is a big deal in our world!  Fortunately, we did find some and we are now happily wiping without fear….for now. Amid all these toilet paper memes and social media talk, I was asked how this might affect our business.  If you’ve been reading my posts for any amount of time, you’ll notice I do talk about toilet paper quite frequently!  Honestly, when our family was enduring a toilet paper shortage and finally able to purchase some, we were “forced” to buy the cheap off brand version of what we typically use. (By the way, we buy cheap 2 ply but still brand name).   BU...

WATCHING WATER ABSORB IN SOIL....aka perc tests....good times for all...

If you’re building in the country, something you might not know is you have install a wastewater system – or a place for all your wastewater to go.  In town, there is plumbing and city sewers to take care of all that, but if you build in the country you have to provide your own sewer system!  The most popular types of wastewater systems are septic systems. Septic systems work in conjunction with Mother Nature.  The largest part of a septic system is the drain field (also known as a lateral field or leach field).  The drain field is the portion of your septic system that uses the soil to absorb ALL of the water that comes out of your house.  Every time you flush, do a load of laundry, take a shower, run the dishwasher, wash your hands, etc., the water drains out of the house and eventually ends up in the soil right outside your house. But there’s actually a little more involved with where your septic system is placed and what...

PROBLEMS REMEMBERING? We can help with that....

I was reading an article (non-septic related – shocker, I know…) about memory loss the other day.    There is a recent study that found the average adult forgets three things a day.    Three things a day!!    Isn’t that crazy?    On the list of things “most forgotten” the top 5 were: 1.       Letting a cup a coffee go cold 2.       Where you put your keys 3.       What you went into a shop for 4.       Clothes in the washing machine 5.       Taking food out of the freezer We live in a world where there are more pressures and distractions than ever before.    This does not aid in our memory loss.    So, if we struggle to remember things daily what about things we need to remember on a monthly or even yearly level?    Or even worse…every 3-5 years?    Like pumping yo...