I speak to many customers about how their systems function every day. Several "new to country living" homeowners do not fully understand how their system works. I will admit, if I wasn't in the industry, contemplating where my poop drained to after I flushed wouldn't preoccupy my thoughts on a regular basis either. I mean, who thinks about that stuff?! However, not being completely informed can lead to messy and expensive troubles down the line if you don't have some understanding of how your system functions and how best to take care of it. (It is approximately a $10,000 "appliance" for your home, so isn't a good idea to take care of it??) With that in mind, today I will elaborate on the septic system drainfield and the best way to care for it. In the diagram above, you can see all the components of a septic system. There is a tank and a leachfield/drainfield. When I talk to customers, many of them are confused as to what makes...