
Showing posts from 2019

ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS....what are they?

So, I have written a while about traditional septic items – how about something septic related but on the side of “new” or “advanced”?   (Technically it’s not really new…but it is new to Nebraska!)   Did you know technology exists to clean up your wastewater better than ever?   For years, the main treatment of septic wastewater has been in the tank.   The water drains in the tank first and because it is typically air tight, the bacteria in the tank conduct anaerobic respiration to break down all the nasty stuff that is in the water.   After the tank treatment, the water slowly drains out to your lateral field where the soil performs a final treatment.   In the drainfield, water is either absorbed into the ground or evaporated through the plants (transvaporation). So why would an alternative to this treatment that has worked for years be necessary you ask?   Well, there are several reasons! 1)  As wastewater system installers, we are concer...


Do I sound like a broken record when it comes to weather?  My apologies, but if you think I talk about it a lot, there's a reason for it -- it can cause people in the septic world problems! Nebraska is one of those fortunate states that gets to experience all four seasons every year.   Our springs are typically cool and wet, summers hot and dry, crisp falls, and cold, snowy winters.   During any one of these seasons, we can experience extreme weather.   For instance, the fall of 2018 was extremely rainy and led into a winter that has been colder than we have seen for a while.    We have also gleaned quite a bit of snow during the 2018-19 winter as well. Why am I taking the time to tell you this? Your septic system is sensitive to what Mother Nature does.   If we have a wet fall or spring and the ground is overly saturated, this can cause problems for your system.   Typically, it is the older systems that struggle more during times...