No doubt reading this title brings back memories of Marty McFly and Doc Brown (or Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd depending how you remember the characters). It has been a favorite movie for some time for my kiddos. I think I could quote it word for word if that gives you any idea how much we’ve watched it. In fact, for many years, my oldest asked that his school picture be sent to Michael J. Fox, he was so smitten with his character. (We now possess an autographed picture of the actor which he keeps proudly displayed in his room). Our dog is officially named Marty McFly Kubik. (Yes, we need help). There are some other BTTF bits of craziness we have in our family, but as you can infer with the few examples stated above, we no doubt qualify as “fans” of the films. That being said, those movies have truly become a part of our pop-culture-history. There were lots of ideas presented in the sequel of what our possible t...