We all know that boys and girls are different. This is no surprise or a gender equality issue – it’s just that boys and girls on the whole are different. Even before Mother Goose said, “sugar and spice and everything nice” or “snips and snails and puppy-dog tails” moms and dads knew that their sons and daughters had more differences than just anatomy. As a mother of two boys, and pet owner of a dog, cat and Guinea pig who are all male – there have been many times in my married life where I have felt overwhelmed by the testosterone levels in my house. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love being the mother of boys. I love shooting rockets and guns, playing baseball, watching baseball, shooting water balloons, getting muddy and other such boyish games. Having boys in my life, keeps things dirty and interesting on a daily basis. But at the end of the day, I require a shower, where my male counterparts believe showering is optional. More tim...