
Showing posts from February, 2015


By now, I am sure you read this blog simply for the vast amount of strange information I provide each week.  And why wouldn’t you?  Aren’t humans drawn to crazy things they just can’t believe?  Isn’t this why reality TV is such a hit?  We can’t seem to take our eyes off a train-wreck…and this blog is no different.  Total train wreck. So today, I continue with your newest train wreck information… This last week the hubs and I attended the National WasteWater Expo ( WWETT for short W ater and W astewater E quipment, T rade and T echnology) in Indianapolis. (I can't make this up folks...) You read correctly…there is a NATIONAL convention for people in the septic industry.  I met people from Massachusetts, Texas, Washington, Arizona, even Venezuela.  All of them in the septic industry in some way, shape or form.  My husband and I both took classes because, alas, we must keep up our continuing education hours!  Yeup, we have license...


I am pooped.  I mean like dazed and delirious pooped. This last weekend the hubby and I manned the booth at the Lancaster County Home and Garden show.  Though it doesn’t seem like much work, the carry-over afterwards is always a load, not to mention you’re just tired before you start the work week again.  This was our third year of participating in the show and each year the experience has been different.  Our first year we were overwhelmed by the response we got and how much work we took in.  Our second year we were placed in a different location and felt like our booth was blocked and therefore didn’t talk to many people at all.  This year our location was different yet again, but was met with more favorable business and well worth the time.  What I find funny is that though each year for us has been different, there are several qualities that have stayed the same.  Listed below are the top 5 things anyone who has ever run a booth at a home...


Now that I have complained for two blogs how no one knows what we do…how about a little earth science lesson? By the time you’re done with this post you’ll know everything (and then some) about rural living and wastewater - and you'll probably have contorted your face like all the other people I explain this too...good times had by all! (I think it’s posts like this that MIGHT keep me from being a part of blog groups other women my age are writing….just one more topic to bring up at my Liquid Waste Anonymous meeting....kinda sucks I’m the only member). On with the earth science lesson!!  Let’s get you engaged by considering a real life scenario… Let’s say you and the fam have decided to leave the city behind and have purchased yourself a nice spot of land out in the country.  You’ve picked out your floor plan, the color of siding and brick, your kitchen cabinets, tile and counter tops.  You’ve ordered all your stainless steel appliances (the kind that DON’T ...


What do YOU do for a living? That seems like such an easy question, right?  Most of the time it is.  For instance when that question is posed and the answers are “I am a teacher,” “I am an insurance salesman,” “I am a lawyer,” or “I am a waitress” anyone listening has a fairly good idea of what that particular person does to earn a living. This doesn’t ever seem to be the case when someone asks me what I do…at least now.  Ahhh, the days when I could just say “middle school science teacher” and everyone knew EXACTLY what I did….those were the days!!  Now, when someone asks, first I get puzzled looks like, “what does a liquid waste pumper do?” And then, as I explain my industry their puzzled faces turn into icky, disgusted, and contorted looks.  Oh, the faces people can make when you describe your profession.  It’s a hoot, I tell ya. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I have been called “the septic gal” and now recently, “the poop lady.”...