By now, I am sure you read this blog simply for the vast amount of strange information I provide each week. And why wouldn’t you? Aren’t humans drawn to crazy things they just can’t believe? Isn’t this why reality TV is such a hit? We can’t seem to take our eyes off a train-wreck…and this blog is no different. Total train wreck. So today, I continue with your newest train wreck information… This last week the hubs and I attended the National WasteWater Expo ( WWETT for short W ater and W astewater E quipment, T rade and T echnology) in Indianapolis. (I can't make this up folks...) You read correctly…there is a NATIONAL convention for people in the septic industry. I met people from Massachusetts, Texas, Washington, Arizona, even Venezuela. All of them in the septic industry in some way, shape or form. My husband and I both took classes because, alas, we must keep up our continuing education hours! Yeup, we have license...