
Showing posts from January, 2015


So, as many of you know, I am a former middle school science teacher.  Though I took a break to be at home with my kids when they were little, I spent a total of 10 years teaching 13-14 year olds the concepts of earth and life science. Thanks to this involvement with this particular age group, in the early 2000s I knew Jack Black was in a band called Tenacious D before most adults even knew Jack Black was a comedian and an actor! I was in on the 13-14 year old “know.”  I knew all the ridiculous middle school jokes and lines from movies which were frequently quoted in class.  (Austin Power was popular so there were lots of “Oh, BEhave” and “zip-it” lines…) If I liked a particular song on the radio, my students would burn me a CD via Napster (when it was still legal…) and then during work time I would play it in class so long as they stayed quiet!  Then I left teaching for six years while my own kiddos were little.  When I came back, a FEW things had changed in m...