Do you have a holiday tradition? Thanksgiving starts the holiday season of food, family, and all the crazy things families do to celebrate the holidays. As for our family, we have a few things we do, but as my kids get older I want to focus more on the time I spend with them and less on the things I get them. Traditions create memories, don’t you agree? I know that when I think about my own Christmas’s, I don’t remember the presents I received, I remember Christmas Eve services at my great Grandma and Grandpa Volker’s church. I remember going to their house after the service and all the family (there was always a LOT of us!) and the amazing food. (My great aunts were FABULOUS cooks!! They would use Christmas Eve to debut their latest recipe and it was ALWAYS great!) I remember all the laughter in that crowded house. My great-grandpa Volker was a character! He always had some little trinket, mind-scratching game, or g...